I set this blog up quite a while ago with the intent of sharing pictures of Teagan, stories about motherhood, successes with the step-kids and general rants and raves. It's been last on my to do list since then, as you'll note by the TWO posts I've made since I created it.
I realized today that in addition to unloading via writing, the blog offers an opportunity to collectively sort thru and look back at where you've been and how you've felt. Much like the journaling I've done throughout my life, I think blogging can (and will) help me to understand myself better, observe my growth and assess my decisions. Not to mention give me an opportunity to quickly scan back and see my adorable little guy grow up!
So here's the first in what I hope will be daily blog posts. I can't promise to be witty and entertaining all the time, though I hope it will get easier with time. The pictures, however, I promise will continue to be fabulous. With the subject I'm photographing I just don't think even I can go wrong.
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