We didn't go far, it didn't take long. We walked down by the river and watched the birds and the ducks, saw the boats go by and looked for planes in the sky. It was relaxing, it was good for us, it was easy and it was FREE! ;-)
We spend so much time and money away from home. We make plans to go out and do 'fun' things and forget how much fun and relaxation there is to be had without even leaving the neighborhood.
I'm hoping we'll do this more often. Appreciate the little things, the simple things, the little moments. Remember how lucky we are to have each other, to have a nice home in a good area with nature so close by. Next week I want to take Kailyn along, because she will love it. Because she is still young enough (just like Teagan) to appreciate those little moments.
And maybe Tim and I can learn, through the eyes of our children, to appreciate the little moments too.