Monday, April 27, 2009

We went. We walked. It rained.

We went to Monroe and tried to walk for the march. It rained cats and dogs and we still tried to walk. Then the lightning came and they told us we had to come in. By then we were soaked, the strollers were soaked and the babies were not happy. So we dried off and went to breakfast.

I just keep looking at Teagan & Kailyn, unable to believe how lucky I am. Hurting so much for Heather and Mike, afraid to even imagine what horrible pain they must be feeling. Reading Heather's blog, crying, hugging Teagan, trying to think of something to say in the comments.

Life just isn't fair sometimes. But we walk on, or at least we try.

With amazing timing, Teagan decided that Saturday afternoon - home from the walk and breakfast - was the perfect time to take his first, real, honest to goodness long strides. He teeters and totters, looks a little bit tipsy, but he walks...some might say he marches. Turns out it was a March for of Babies at our house after all, rain or shine.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Five things I love about being a Mom

I'm doing this as a for a trip around the world, Mama style. Here's a link to the 'departure lounge', with a complete explanation of what this trip is.

Things I LOVE about being a Mom:

  1. Bath time. I can not begin to tell you how glorious it is to see my little guy have so much fun. He is braver, funnier, chattier and more enthusiastic in the water than he is anywhere else. For most of bath time I find myself ready to call out "honey, come see what he just did.". It is the bomb.

  2. Cuddles on the couch before bed. Part of the beauty of this is that it happens just after bath time. We wind down. We snuggle. He's warm, safe and smells so good. Relaxed in my arms, it is amazing to know you make someone else feel safe and secure. Bliss.

  3. Reading books. I love the way his eyes follow the pictures and the way he looks at me to continue reading after I turn the page. I love how attentive he is, how interested, how intrigued. I love watching him want to learn.

  4. Seeing him with my parents. Is there anything better than seeing the people you love most in the world love and appreciate each other? They gave him his Mama, I gave them him - it's a fabulous exchange all around.

  5. A brand new start. This one is going to be hard to put in to words and may be slightly influenced by my role as a step-parent. I love that he has no pre-conceived notions, no hatreds, no fears, no hangups. I love that I can help guide him to be a moral, caring, loving, educated person and not fight the battle of un-teaching him things along the way. The responsibility attached to this is overwhelming and intimidating, but the possibilities are endless. I love that I can challenge myself to employ creative ways to share with him the best things I've learned and steer him around the mistakes that I've made. Of course...this ability fades with time & I do realize that! ;-)